intuitive eating counselor

Dear 2019: Let's Be Intuitive!

Dear 2019: Let's Be Intuitive!

This upcoming year, let’s all resolve to trust ourselves.  When it comes to food rules, the 2019 “plan” is to have NO PLAN! We do not need rules, restriction and deprivation to tell us what feels good in our bodies.

Trick or Treat! What is Intuitive Eating?

Trick or Treat! What is Intuitive Eating?

Hello and happy Halloween!  Halloween can be a spooky time not only kids, but also for adults who fear the temptation and guilt that goes along with “giving in” and having a few pieces of their favorite Halloween candy.  Of course, the “holiday season” (starting at Thanksgiving) always gets all the diet hype, but Halloween is no slouch either.  For many people, it’s a trigger to unhealthy thoughts and actions when it comes to food