As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Eating Disorder Certified. I offer online counseling in the state of Oregon, Washington and Arizona.
Counseling Services
I love working with adolescents and adults of all ages to better understand who they are and be unapologetically themselves. I help clients in various areas:
Parental Support
Relationships and attachment (dating, sexuality, communication, intimacy, non-monogamy)
Life Transitions (pregnancy, postpartum, career, marriage, divorce, work)
Self Esteem/Self-Worth
Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
I specialize in eating disorders and work with adolescent and adults to heal their relationship with food, fitness and their bodies. I offer counseling in the following areas:
Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, night eating;
Disordered eating;
Chronic dieting (e.g. calorie counting, macro counting “IIFYM”)
Orthorexia (fixation on “healthy” foods); and
Over exercising
Body Image
Nutritional guidance
Sex and Intimacy
Being comfortable with our own sexuality and then being able to express it to your partner(s) in and outside the bedroom can be challenging. I help clients:
Improve emotional intimacy in relationships
Explore own pleasures
Effective communication with partner(s)
Working through different libido levels
Expressing new or unexpressed wants, needs and desires
Non-Monogomy and Polyamory
Whether you are new to opening up your relationship or have been open for years I am here to help.
Navigate jealousy, boundaries and communication
Help with transitioning from monogomy to non-monogomy or polyamory
Assist in balancing multiple relationships and managing time
Support in negotiating relationship agreements
My standard Fee is $165 per session
I am paneled with Pacific Source (Navigator and Voyager)
Important Documents:
A Good Faith Estimate of Expected Charges will be made available to you upon scheduling.